Saturday, 22 March 2025

It's Here...a Blog all about Kingston Transit!

As with many facets of Kingston's history, buses and transit have not been widely covered. That's about to change. I'll be adding more here on fishbowls, Orions and Nova buses. Seems fare to me!


  1. Rode one of the new battery-electric buses in Kingston today, so it's exciting to see the past in this new blog! Today's express routes are so handy that I almost always leave the car at home for trips downtown.

  2. Welcome aboard, Mike. You're our first passenger here on the Kingston Transit blog (kt was already taken as a blog domain)! I rode Kingston Express from its opening day and was equally pleased with the service. Kingston is all about the past, but maybe we can look toward the future of transit as well.
    Thanks for your comment, hopefully the first of many!


It's Here...a Blog all about Kingston Transit!

As with many facets of Kingston's history, buses and transit have not been widely covered. That's about to change. I'll be addin...